Ani v pondělí u nás nechybí diskotéka, takže můžete na tanečním parketu řádit až do rána! I v pondělí se můžete těšit na svého oblíbeného DJ, který vám zahraje i na přání. Přijďte si užít pondělní lechtivou párty a zapomeňte na to, že víkend už dávno skončil. Není nic lepšího, než začít nový hektický týden odreagováním se s přáteli ve Friends, protože malá párty nikdy nikoho nezabila…
Karaoke Night
Want to become your favourite star for a few minutes? Come to the best karaoke party in Prague at the club FRIENDS. There are a lot of songs on the list, from well-known and less known world and Czech artists. There is a stage and a full audience club. Come and see that you will have a great time and maybe you will become a pop star. And if you don't want to sing, don't worry, because our DJs have great dance music ready for you, so you won't be bored.
Friends vám představuje jedinečný koncept zábavy pro vás i vaše přátelé. Každou středu se můžete těšit na originální tématický večer. Tyto večery spojují fenomenální vystoupení Drag Queens, zábavné hry, výborná hudba a možnost se seznámit s někým novým. Pro lepší orientaci dostane každý host své číslo a barevný náramek, takže ihned víte, co který host má večer v plánu. Seznámení nikdy nebylo jednodušší!
Travesti show
Thursday is the day when you can be sure of only one thing in the Friends Club - you will have a great time!
Pokud potkáte okouzlující dlouhonohou krasavici, možná by vás mohlo překvapit, jaké „překvapení“ pod sukní skrývá. Čtvrtky jsou večery plnými zábavy a rozhodně se u nás nudit nebudete! Každá z úžasných travesti umělkyň má svůj styl a specifický smysl pro humor. Nechte se svést a k tomu se můžete královsky pobavit!
we love friends
There is nothing more than love, friends and fun. We try to bring it to you every day in a different form and you choose what you enjoy and it makes us really happy. Often you come up with the idea that you want karaoke, travesty, or connection party even at the weekend… And that is why we put on the program for every first Friday of the month We Love Friends party, where you will have all the forms of entertainment our club. So we start karaoke to keep you warm. You will definitely not be alone, thanks to the unique entertainment format of Connection party. Followed by travesty performances and we will combine it with the best music from our great DJs. This evening will just be full of love and programme, so don't miss it out…
Every second Friday we focus on the famous star, playing mostly her hits and after midnight she performs herself (or her imitator?). An evening full of fun, competitions, great music and great drinks, that's Friends club!
Hot naviGAYtion Party
Hot naviGAYtion party is back at Friends! It will be a really hot evening, then the HOTtest with midnight- if you don't get too hot from the hot competition by then, the men's strip show will force you to need to cool down a bit!
Oldies Songs
Jak se říká, stará láska nerezaví a devadesátky a starší už vůbec ne 🙂 Zkrátka a dobře opět
we will do the most at the OLDIES disco full of competitions and prizes, but mainly mega entertainment, and every Saturday at Friends Club, where it is fully run every day. On Saturdays, we dream and remember
good old hits! Come steam with us, divert and dance till dawn.
Club Quiz
You and your friends build a team. More heads know more, but if you believe in yourself you can play on your own. You and your friends will come to the Friends club on Sunday at 10pm, sit down comfortably and test your knowledge in a fun way. Prizes for the best teams are commonplace.